Thursday, June 18, 2020

Going Nuclear: Thoughts from Chris Ramey of The Home Trust

Are you ready for the most business-changing marketing imaginable? It’s hyper-focused, affordable, effective and quantifiable. It converts your competitor’s prospects into your best prospects. It introduces your brand to active buyers who visited your competitor’s showrooms.

Up until now competing has been relatively nice and tidy; print, radio, TV and social media. Everybody got along well; it was appropriate to smile at your competitors in the evening and then cut each other’s prices during the day. Here’s a better idea.

Instead of cutting competitor’s prices, cut their jugular; walk-in traffic. Attack your competitor’s showrooms by leveraging satellite technology. Go nuclear.

My firm has run more than 10,000 nuclear campaigns advertising to shoppers who are visiting competitor’s showrooms and other areas of interest. Here’s how: your smart phone is a beacon. And, it’s far smarter than you may realize. In truth, it’s a traitor that outs you.

Do you know why apps are free? They’re free because they have their own little secret: when on, they communicate where you are located. This may be necessary for Uber and Lyft; but not so great if you have a competent competitor.

Competent competitors are those who aggressively use every technology possible to increase sales. If you’re not leveraging nuclear then you’re not really competing. Social media is now child’s play.

Nuclear is employing satellites to tag the phones of customers who walk into your competitor’s showrooms. You can assume these individuals are predictive prospects because they’re actively shopping inside the wrong showroom.

You’re already at a distinct disadvantage because these shoppers chose your competitor’s showroom instead of your showroom; you’re not their first choice. Nuclear can change that. Do they know you exist? Do they understand your value proposition? Do they know why your company is superior? Have they been to your website? Probably not or they’d be in your showroom. But they’re not – they’re out there being misadvised and sold.

Now you can save your best prospects from the agony of buying at the wrong place.

This is how it works. Have you noticed your smart phone will generally “wake-up” when you pick it up? You probably consider that a convenience. App developers know it as a revenue stream. The moment a smart phone lights-up, the opened apps start looking for satellite signals. Satellite signals trigger digital marketing directly to those captured inside your competitor’s showroom; something akin to “You’re in the wrong showroom: My showroom is better. Get out before it’s too late!”

Well, that’s probably the wrong message, but you get the idea. They’ll continue to see your ads for a month on their PCs, tablets, laptops and smart phones. You’ll be everywhere.

The ability to affordably advertise directly to those who are active shoppers in the wrong showroom is a Holy Grail. It will earn you the best ROI you’ve ever experienced.

If you want to compete more effectively, affordably and intelligently, then consider nuclear as an obvious tactic to deploy immediately. You will be serving ads to active and wayward shoppers looking for your products and services.

Your private dashboard will inform you of ad impressions served, clicks to your site, where ads are delivered, which ads are pulling and when the prospects walk into your showroom. And, because it’s all driven by satellites, data can’t be manipulated; it’s real.

My favorite data point is the number of prospects served ads who consequently visit your showroom; immutable proof that nuclear works better than any imaginable marketing tactic. Your customer acquisition costs are going to drop dramatically.

Can it get any better than marketing directly to active buyers caught inside your competitor’s showrooms? Nuclear is how you will increase your share of market by leveraging technology.

Anything less than nuclear and you’re not really competing.

Chris Ramey is president of The Home Trust International and his consultancy is Affluent Insights. He can be reached at   

Originally published by Hearst Business Media.

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