Thursday, October 8, 2020

Marketing Content Hierarchy of Needs

The hierarchy of human needs is a psychological theory developed by Abraham Maslov. At the base are the need for basic necessities such as food, shelter and security. Those must be satisfied before moving on to other human needs such as relationships and self-actualization. Marketing expert Mark Schaefer recently used Maslov’s hierarchy to help businesses best employ content.

At the base of the content marketing needs pyramid is the need to answer questions. One of the most effective tools to drive traffic to your website and social media platforms is to answer the questions that your customers ask most often, such as how much does a new bathroom cost? Answering questions can be limiting, however, because once someone has an answer, what is the reason to stay or return to the site?

The second rung of the content marketing pyramid is to teach. Teach your customers and prospects how to select decorative plumbing and hardware, how to prepare for a showroom visit or survive and thrive during the renovation process.

The third rung of the content market pyramid is emotional connection. Emotional content connects customers more deeply and converts them from purchasers to raving fans. Apple and Starbucks are two iconic brands that have established emotional connections with their customers. You most likely have customers who can’t thank you enough for creating a dream space in their home. Leverage their “love” through video testimonials, open houses for neighbors and friends and other means to drive more traffic to your website and showroom.

Inspiration is the final rung of the content marketing hierarchy of needs. Content that inspires prospects to act and stand up and take notice. Inspirational content may be dramatic before and after images, innovative design that most others are not capable of developing or awe-inspiring testimonials from satisfied customers.

DPHA members are in competitive markets, making it essential to capitalize on opportunities to differentiate based on the different rungs of the content marketing hierarchy of needs.

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